I have a confession to make. This is not the first blog I have started, and it probably won't be the last. You see, I've always loved writing. Always. Even before I could actually write, I would dictate stories for my mom to write down, and, because she was awesome, she did.
Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of not finishing what I start. Having great ideas and not following through. So, I've started blogs, imagining wild success for myself and ultimately being able to work from home. But, that's not how reality works. It's also not a good idea to take on a new project the week before you start college.
Anyway, I have come to realize that, every time I have started a new blog, I have expected perfection from the get go. Obviously, there are flaws to this theory, starting with the fact that technology and I usually do not get along. Also, who the heck is perfect at anything when they don't know what they are doing? Not me. So, after a few weeks of sucking all the fun out of blogging with my pursuit of perfection, I would give up.
So, with a new year comes a fresh start and blog for me. And a new philosophy based on the idea that everything in life is a journey, including this blog. So, I will not set a premise on what I am and am not going to write about. I am a Christian, first and foremost, and a reporter, aspiring author, college freshman/ junior ( a story for another day), knitter, avid reader, intensely introverted, and plenty of other descriptive words. So, my interests vary widely and so will my blog posts. Happy reading! Hope you enjoy!
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