Monday, January 18, 2016

5 Lessons I Learned My First Semester or College

Hello everyone! With a new semester beginning, I thought I would share some of my insights from last semester that might help you out this semester! College has new challenges and difficulties every single semester- sometimes every week- but there is plenty of excitement and joy to find as well.

1. Always double check how many hours you are really taking.
Not all labs count for "credit hours" but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I spent half of a semester thinking I was taking sixteen hours when I really had eighteen. Oh, that's why I'm so busy!! Also, feel free not to overload yourself with hours. Personally, I think fifteen is as many as I am comfortable taking. It all depends on your priorities- how much time you want to study versus socialize basically.
2. Wear whatever you want to wear within reason. 
Wear what you are comfortable with. There is no reason to wear two inch heels to class. Unless you love them. Then go for it!! If you love sweats, wear sweats. There are so many different people on campus that there is no real way to "blend in," so just go ahead and don't bother trying. That's right. I'm giving you permission not that you need it to not care (I'm talking to the other type A's like me!). At the same time, you never know who you are going to see, whether it be your on-campus boss, the president of the university, a professor you respect, etc. So, when you choose to be comfortable over "cute," know that you might will probably see one of these people. Again, it's all personal preference as to what you are comfortable with. Minus being almost naked. That's never okay.
3. Networking, networking, networking. It's not as important as you think.
All we hear these days is that networking is more important than your GPA. I would disagree with this statement. You can do all the networking in the world, but if you do poorly in certain classes, it doesn't matter at all. School comes first. Knowing the right people can be extremely helpful (Trust me. I'm a reporter. I know.), but God is in control. Not networking well or at all is not going to ruin your life! God will open the doors for you whether or not you know the cousin of your English professor who helps with the advertising for your dream company. Let's get real here. God has been, and always will be, bigger than networking. But, it's still something to participate in every now and then. Sometimes God opens doors through people!
4. A community of believers is one of the best things that could happen to you.
College can be an extremely hard season of life, and doing it alone just isn't fun. I had a lot of struggles with anxiety last semester (but that's a story for another day) and didn't connect very well with the BSM I was attending. In retrospect, that was a mistake. I could definitely have used support and prayers in that season. But, I wasn't brave enough to put myself out there. Don't make the same mistake I did. These other Christians will be the ones to walk with you in the good seasons and bad. You'll grow together, love together, and spread the Gospel together. It's important. If you are shy or aren't sure how to go about this process, email me! I'd love to pray for you and help you connect on your campus (because loving Jesus with other people is always better than loving Jesus alone).
5. College is hard. That's okay.
A lot of people don't realize that going to college requires an adjustment period. You've probably had mostly the same schedule, same friends, same church, etc. for most of your life. That all changes, and it can be scary and confusing. Trust me, I live at home and attend the university in the town I grew up in and it was still confusing and scary (another reason #4 is important!). I felt like I didn't really get used to my new world until about November. That was almost a whole semester. And you know what? That is completely okay. Literally everyone experiences this season of life at their own pace. So, don't compare yourself to those around you. Sure, they might be having the time of their lives. They might also go back to their dorm and cry themselves to sleep tonight. So, there's no point in trying to figure out if you are adjusting too slowly or quickly. Give it to God and let yourself go to sleep!

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