Monday, January 25, 2016

What I'm Reading This Month

Hello everyone!! For those of you who don't know, I am an absolutely avid reader. Granted, I am in college, so reading time is limited. But, in what free time I do have, here is what I've been reading lately!!

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

I am a huge classic/ historical fiction fan, but for some reason I've never gotten around to reading this book. I only picked it up because I happened to see the last half of the movie a few weekends ago!! There is a reason that this book is a classic. It doesn't have the typical happy ending. Scarlett O'Hara is a fabulously sassy and sarcastic protagonist (She killed a man?! Guess she will have to think about that tomorrow!) who manages to grow on you, even though sometimes you hate her. But, this is definitely not a finish-in-a-weekend kind of book- it's huge!

Getting Things Done by David Allen

Speaking as a college student who has a job/blog/boyfriend/family/church/etc, I do not know how I managed to get everything done before reading this book. Now, this is a skimmer, because there are plenty of things that don't apply to an eighteen year old college student (reference filing system, group project planning? What?), but the idea of corralling all of the "open loops" in your life is sheer genius. The basic principle of the entire book is to write everything down. Simple, right? It totally is, and I love the logic behind Allen's theories. And, if you don't want to read the book but could use some time management help, just google it! There are entire blogs and websites that are devoted to "getting things done" for you to check out!

Living Well, Spending Less by Ruth Soukup (also a blog- check out here!)

I read Living Well, Spending Less two or three times at the beginning of this month! Soukup's Christian perspective is so refreshing in a world of getting more and more and more. Her book is what inspired me to start this blog!! Everyone should read this book- or at least check out Soukup's blog- if they are stuck in a spiritual or mental rut. It has just the advice to get you up and going!

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